Thursday, May 9, 2013

Joke of the Week Extra: The Riddle Seller Always Rings Twice

1. If two's company and three's a crowd, then what are four and five?

2. What can be heard, but not seen, and only speaks when it's spoken to?

3. Which side of a pie is the left side?

4. What are two things that a person can't have for breakfast?

5. What did Paul Revere say at the end of his famous ride?

6. Why might a lion go over a hill?

7. What is there more of the less you see?

8. How could someone eat a banana without peeling it?
9. All of them are long, sharp, and steely. The ones with eyes don't have heads, and the ones with heads don't have eyes. What might they be?
10. What weighs more, a ton of cotton or a ton of rocks?
11. Which is preferable, "The house burned up", or "The house burned down"?
12. What's taken before you get it?
13. What weighs nothing, but is hard to hold for a very long time?
14. What gets larger the more you take from it?
15. What question can never be answered, "Yes"?
16. If you're walking through the woods and see a jar of honey sitting on a tree stump, where might the honey have come from?

17. Which number is worth more when it's turned upside down?

18. When do elephants have 20 legs?

19. What was the tallest mountain before Mt. Everest was discovered?

20. What flies all day, but never gets anywhere?

21. Four guys are walking down the street, when suddenly, it starts to rain. Only three of them got their hair wet. How is this possible?

22. Which burns longer, an orange candle or a purple candle?

23. When Christopher Columbus first discovered America, what did he see on his right hand?

24. What gets wetter the more it dries?

25. What begins with P, ends with E, and has millions of letters?

(Answers below!)
1. Nine.
2. An echo.
3. The side that didn't get eaten.
4. Lunch and dinner.
5. "Whoa!"
6. Because he can't go under it.
7. Darkness.
8. If they have someone peel it for them.
9. Needles and pins.
10. Both weigh the same.
11. Either's pretty bad.
12. Your picture.
13. Your breath.
14. A hole.
15. "Are you asleep?"
16. From a bee.
17. 6 becomes 9.
18. When there are 5 of them.
19. Mt. Everest.
20. A flag.
21. One of them was bald.
22. Neither. All candles burn shorter.
23. Five fingers.
24. A towel.
25. Post office.
From Nickelodeon Magazine.

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