Saturday, November 16, 2013

Joke of the Week #81

A long time ago, in medieval England, two knights, one tall and one short, are riding out into the mountains to battle a dragon. As they reach the outside of the dragon's cave, the short knight turns to his associate and says, "I'm going in after the dragon. You just wait out here in case he comes out."

"Sure thing." the tall knight obliges, upon which the short knight disembarks his horse and traipses inside.

After wandering through the darkness for a few minutes, the short knight hears a loud rumbling roar and looks up to see the dragon, smoke pouring from his nostrils, staring him right in the face. "Say," the short knight says. "I'll be that I can prove to you that dragons don't exist."

"All right." the beast agrees, upon which the short knight takes a pocket dictionary out of a pocket in his armor and hands it to the dragon. The dragon puts on his reading glasses and pores over the dictionary, "Hmm, alligators, apes, armadillos...bats, beagles, bears...ferrets, frogs, foxes...geckos, giraffes, gorillas...lemmings, lemurs, llamas...newts, nightingales, nutrias...opossums, ostriches, otters...skunks, snakes, sparrows...tigers, toads, turtles...walruses, whales, wolves...zebras, zebus, zorillas. Nope, no dragons." And with that, the dragon disappears in a puff of smoke.

As the short knight leaves the cave he's greeted by his associate, who's pleased to see him unharmed. "How did you ever defeat that awful dragon?"

"Oh, wasn't a big deal, really, I just proved to him that dragon's don't exist. By the way, could we stop by the local pet store on our way home? I promised my wife a phoenix for her birthday."


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