Thursday, October 25, 2012

Joke of the Week #27

A circus came to a small town one day. This was a very high-quality circus that really had it all: acrobats, jugglers, clowns, fire eaters, sword swallowers, horseback riders, human cannonballs, strongmen, and all sorts of animals, such as lions, elephants, leopards, tigers, dancing bears, performing seals, and little trained poodles. Everyone in town filed into the giant red and yellow striped tent at a quarter to noon; a spotlight fell on the center ring, and a lone clown strolled out.

"What's 3 times 3 times 4 minus 7 divided by 8 to the ninth power?" he asks.

A hush suddenly falls over the crowd. No one there was particularly good at math.

"I'm sorry," says the clown. "But this show can't go on." and he leaves, with the other circus performers following closely behind.

Why couldn't the clown continue?
There were three rings, but nobody answered.

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