Saturday, July 7, 2012

Joke of the Week #13

Goldilocks was wandering through the woods one day, when she came across a cabin. She knocked on the door; when no one answered, she went inside, upon which noticing a table lined with three bowls of porridge-one big, one medium-sized, and one small. She takes a bite of the porridge in the big bowl, but it's too hot. Then she tries the porridge in the medium-sized bowl, but it's too cold. Then she tries the porridge in the small bowl, and it's just right, so she eats it all.

"Wow," she says. "Now I feel sleepy." So, she goes upstairs, and finds three bedrooms. She goes into the first room, where there's a big bed. She climbs into the bed, but it's too hard. So, she goes into the next room, where there's a medium-sized bed. She climbs into this bed, but it's too soft. So, she goes into the next room, and she's shocked to see three pink pigs huddling in the corner!

"Wait a second..." she says. "Aren't you three in the wrong fairytale?"

"Not at all," says one of the pigs. "This is a two-story house!"

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