Monday, May 14, 2012

The Game Show:Petz Fantasy Sunshine Magic for the Nintendo DS

"Honey, did you remember to walk the unicorn?"

One of the niftier games in the eponymous Petz series, this game allows you to care for, play with, and train various mythical creatures that hatch out of eggs(you start out with only 2 to choose between, but more eggs are unlocked as the game progresses). One particular point of interest is that the dragon and unicorn are the only pre-existing mythical species in the game; the other species are completely original, such as the energetic mongoose-like Chagron, the prank-loving turtle-like Bublue, the fussy cat-like Mialou, the adorable little winged cow-like Toolin, and the speedy reindeer-like Felir.  

Gameplay involves feeding, playing with, and bathing your pets, making sure they're happy. Doing each of these things fills each of their respective needs bars; when all three needs bars are full, a mini-game specific to the pet's abilities(fire, ice, flight, or speed) can be played. Gold, silver, and bronze medals are rewarded at the end of each mini-game, depending on your score. If a gold medal is won, a new pet will be unlocked. Each pet also has favorite toys, food, and cleaning equipment(2 in each respective category); finding out what their favorites are not only fills their needs bars a lot more quickly, but discovering all 6 of their favorites levels them up, giving their skills a boost in the mini-games.

There's another version of this game called Moonlight Magic; regrettably, I don't know much about it since I haven't played it. As far as I can tell from the screenshots I've seen, the only discernible difference is that the pets look different and the game takes place in the nighttime rather than the daytime(These may or may not be the only differences, though).

Pros: -A good, innovative, and highly original game concept.

          -Gameplay is fun and easy, with next-to-no learning curve.

          -The graphics are beautiful.

Cons:-Figuring out what the pets' favorite items are takes a lot of guesswork. If you do well taking care of them, however, the pets will give you a hint as to what one of their favorites is.

All in all, a fun game, somewhere between a standard Petz game and an RPG, that has a lot of replay value.

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