Saturday, May 26, 2012

Joke of the Week #7

The seven dwarves are on lunch break at the diamond mines. Grumpy says, "I sure hope this isn't another baloney and mayonnaise sandwich. I just hate baloney and mayonnaise sandwiches! If I have to eat one more of those, I'm gonna run screaming into the woods!"

"I know how you feel." Sleepy says. "Every day it's the same thing:salami and ketchup. If I have to eat one more of those, I'm going to stomp on my hat!"

Dopey says, "Gee, I have a broccoli and mustard sandwich in my lunch every day. If that's what's in there today, I'll climb right up that tree and stay there."

So, they open up their lunch boxes and find the exact same thing they have every day. Grumpy freaks out and runs screaming into the woods, Sleepy throws his hat on the ground and repeatedly stomps on it, and Dopey starts climbing up the tree.

That night, Doc told Snow White what had happened at lunch. "Grumpy and Sleepy always whine about the lunches I make them, but I don't understand what got into Dopey," says a puzzled Snow White. "He makes his own lunch!"

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