Sunday, October 27, 2013

Building a Better Bear Trap

Here is a Care Bears fanfiction of mine, which is based on the comic "The Think Box Bollix" from the Donald Duck compilation A Christmas for Shacktown. In this story, little Wonderheart Bear(from the new Welcome to Care-A-Lot Tv series on The Hub.*) has decided to become an assistant to local inventor Brightheart Raccoon, which Grumpy Bear takes umbrage at, thinking that he's nothing but a loony inventor. Upon hearing about Brightheart's newest invention the Brain Booster ray, which enables animals to talk and think like humans(and Care Bears) Grumpy decides to trick Brightheart, hoping to thus expose him for the phony that Grumpy believes he is, and make Wonderheart feel less inclined to work for him, but when things quickly go awry, Grumpy may end up needing Brightheart's help! Please enjoy!


BTW, here are some pics of the various OCs from this story:

The shopkeeper bear, who sells Grumpy the lion costume he wears as part of his plan. He's a bit sleep-deprieved because Grumpy gets him up in the middle of the night.

The mysterious bear that Grumpy meets in the woods, who turns out to be a lion affected by the Brain Booster in disguise, with a craving for...roast bear!

And finally, a monkey affected by the Brain Booster, who informs Wonderheart about the lion's capture of Grumpy, so she can save him.(I patterned her appearance off of that of the monkeys inhabiting the Forest of Feelings, such as Chai.)


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