Here's a review of the third volume of this very cool and highy underrated series.
Little Wolf's Uncle Bigbad, proving that he won't let a little thing like death stop him, has returned as a ghost with many dark and spooky powers, and LW, along with his buddies Yeller, Stubbs, and guest pest Smellybreff, who plan to open a Scare School to help little critters get their scream on, persuade him to be their "School Spirit." Uncle Bigbad obliges, but, apparently being just as untrustworthy as he was in life, he makes things too scary, and ends up scaring the pants off of their students...
Uncle Bigbad makes a wager with the group, promising to share his power of finding lost treasure with them if they can find someone who can stand up to him for five minutes. LW searches high and low, before coming across a bear cub named Normus who's super-strong, brave, and a bit of a bully. Normus proves to be more than a match for Uncle Bigbad's dark powers, but this endeavor may end up being more trouble than it's worth, because Normus spends most of his time bullying and bashing LW and his friends. Can Little and his crew get Normus on their side in time to win the bet?
Not only is that rude, but also very unsanitary! :-p
My thoughts: One of the more interesting books in this series with many exciting moments. This volume gives us our first in-depth look at the various denizens of the Frettning Forest(turtles, lions, bats, alligators, weasels et al.) as well as more of the various surrounding areas. Normus' briefly-seen family are good, well-written characters, as is, of course, Uncle Bigbad. I must admit that Mister Twister's unexplained villain status does still bug me a little bit, but other than this, I had no major complaints. All in all, an excellent and very enjoyable addition to this series, and a must-have for any Little Wolf aficionado.
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