Thursday, February 21, 2013

Joke of the Week Extra: More Riddles

1. What's something that's close to your eyes, but difficult to see?

2. Where does Friday come before Thursday?

3. What never asks any questions, but is always answered?

4. A doctor's brother died. The man who died had no brothers. How is this possible?

5. A man eats eggs for breakfast every day. He never begs, borrows, or steals the eggs, there are no stores nearby, and he doesn't own any chickens. How does he get the eggs?

6. You have a bucket with three fish in it. How do you divide the fish among three sea lions so that each sea lion gets a fish, but there's still a fish left in the bucket?

7. What weighs nothing, but can fill a whole room?

8. Where in a room could someone put an octopus so that everyone could see it except them?

9. A scientist has invented a formula that can eat through any type of matter. However, she can't market it. Why?

10. A scientist has invented the world's most powerful glue. However, he can't test it. Why?

11. How could a person live for 80 years but only have 20 birthdays?

12. What's a word that people have been pronouncing wrong for years?

13. What has three feet but can't move?

14. What's always coming, but never actually gets here?(Hint: it's not the cable guy! :-D)

15. What animal eats and drinks with its tail?

16. You're walking down the street and you see a T. Rex standing on a newspaper. How could you get the newspaper safely?

17. What's something that belongs to you, but is used more by your friends?

18. How many cookies can you put in an empty jar?

19. A hamster, a camel, an elephant, a goose, and a ferret all gathered under and umbrella. Which one of them ended up getting wet?

20. Freida and Fiona are sisters. They were born on the same day, at the same time, in the same year, and yet they aren't twins. How is this possible?

(Answers below!)
1. Your nose.
2. In the dictionary.
3. The telephone.
4. The doctor was a woman.
5. He eats duck eggs.
6. Give fish to the first two sea lions, and the third sea lion gets the fish that's still in the bucket.
7. Smoke.
8. On top of their head.

 From Dominion Tank Police
See? It really works! :-D
9. There was nothing she could put the formula in.
10. He couldn't get the lid off of the jar.
11. If they were born on February 29.
12. "Wrong."
13. A yard.
14. Tomorrow; by time it gets here, it's today.
15. All of them. No animal removes its tail to eat or drink.
16. By waiting until he left.
17. Your name.
18. Only one. After that, the jar isn't empty anymore.
19. None of them. It didn't rain.
20. They were two of a set of triplets.
Slow and steady wins the race.

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