Showing posts with label hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hair. Show all posts

Friday, January 18, 2013

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Bookstore:Bing Bang Boing by Douglas Florian

Hope she doesn't get a headache...
As the title and cover art alone indicate, this is one of the most surreal books of poems you may ever read!(Salvador Dali would have loved it.) The poems concern such profundities as a motorcycling grandpa, a robot who(literally!) does anything and everything, the world's most inedible cafeteria food, a genuis baby, extreme neat freak Mrs. Preet, Madame Doubletalk, whose sentences contradict themselves, Little-Naughty-Nasty Ned, who might be Rudy Tude's little brother, the world's skinniest man and the world's fattest man, a barn swallow who swallows a barn, a man who mails himself to Zanzibar(with predictable results), and a word-eating monster who eats two-thirds of a poem. If you like weird and wacky poems, this is the book for you!
Here are a couple of my faves:
Well, that's one way to do it.
A classic, to be sure.