Friday, June 8, 2012

Joke of the Week #9

A magician performs on a cruise ship; due to the fact that the audience differs every time, he never has to be concerned with finding new tricks. Unfortunately for him, the captain's parrot, who's been watching him from the sidelines during every act, has figured out how each trick works and starts calling out things like, "Look, it's in the hat!", "It's hidden behind his back!", "The cards were all the Ace of Clubs!" and such. This aggravates the magician to no end, of course, but there's nothing he can do, since the parrot belongs to the captain. One day, the ship hits a rock and sinks; everyone hurries into life boats, but the magician isn't able to find one in time. He finally manages to find a plank which he safely floats on. The parrot flutters over and lands on the end of the plank. For three days, they float there, saying nothing, until eventually the parrot says, "Okay...I give up. What did you do with the ship?"

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